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  2. Site policy

Site policy

Copyright Policy

Copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights concerning the information on this web site, including but not limited to content, trademarks, emblems, logos, images, and audio data, is the sole property of this university. Reproduction of said information without permission, for private use or other use beyond what is explicitly accepted by law, is forbidden.

General Prohibitions

The following is strictly prohibited:

  1. Actions that cause detriment to the university or any third party, including actions that infringe upon property or privacy, actions that cause defamation or damage credibility, and other acts likely to lead to such actions
  2. Actions that violate public order and morality, criminal and criminally-related actions, and other acts likely to lead to such actions
  3. Falsification of one’s identity and personal information, such as using another person’s e-mail address
  4. Profit-making activities, or activities in preparation thereof
  5. Actions that use or supply others with viruses or other harmful computer programs, and other acts likely to lead to such actions
  6. Illegal actions, and other acts likely to lead to such actions
  7. Any other actions deemed inappropriate by this university


The university shall not accept responsibility for the content of any other website linked to on this site.

We strive to provide the most accurate information possible, but our web site may occasionally contain incorrect information, or inappropriate content provided maliciously by a third party.

The university shall not accept responsibility for any damages incurred pursuant to the download of information from this site.

The university reserves the right to change or delete information on this site, and to interrupt or discontinue access to this site, without notice.

All Rights Reserved.